Prayer Prompts April 2021

Prayer Prompts April 2021

Please pray Daily for the Charity Fegans. All Saints Staplehurst is supporting Fegans for April, May and June 2021. Fegans is a Christian Charity that has continually transformed mental health and championed children since 1870. Read more on the work of Fegans Charity.

  1. Enable us to serve one another, with a willing heart
  2. GOOD FRIDAY – Enable us to understand His so great love and mercy
  3. Enable us to understand the Crucifixion
  4. EASTER DAY – Enable us to understand the power and extent of his Resurrection
  5. Give thanks and praise for all the help given during the Pandemic
  6. Thanks for the giving and care from our neighbours
  7. Thanks for the Parish Council and all they’ve done to help
  8. Thanks and especially prayers for all medical and nursing staff
  9. Pray for those who are at the “end of their tether in intensive care”
  10. Pray for those with “Long Covid”
  11. Give thanks that “a day of rest” was God‘s purpose
  12. Prayer and thanks for ambulance teams
  13. Praise for all on the vaccine teams
  14. Praise for all working in developing the various vaccines
  15. Pray that all countries and all people groups will be offered vaccines
  16. We have so much to GIVE THANKS for
  17. Pray for the well being of all our children and young people
  18. “Be still and know that I am God” meditate‘? mindfulness?
  19. listening in prayer?
  20. Prayers for all who serve us, shops, police, transport, fire service – et al
  21. Pray for those in Government, for wisdom, integrity, humility
  22. Queen’s Birthday – Prayers and thanks for the Queen
  23. Pray for the environment, the Earth this beautiful planet
  24. On St. George’s Day pray for our country and the United Kingdom
  25. Pray for all oppressed people worldwide
  26. A day to “just rest your soul”
  27. Pray for refugees, those seeking a place “to be”
  28. For the homeless here in the UK
  29. For those who have lost their jobs, whose future has collapsed
  30. Pray for all the businesses in and around our village
  31. Pray for the clubs and groups that had to close because of covid, prayers for all these supported

Prayer Prompts from recent months

Fegans Website (External link)

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