Prayer Prompts December 2024
Advent Prayer
![1st Sunday of Advent](
Our Heavenly Father, as once again prepare for Christmas, help us find time in our busy lives for quiet thought and prayer. May we reflect upon the wonder of your love and allow the story of Jesus’ birth to penetrate our hearts and minds. May our joy be deeper, our worship more real, and our lives worthier of all that you have done for us through the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Frank Colquhoun)
We ask God’s blessing on our families and friends, our neighbours, the people we meet, the homeless and those who care for them, those who are ill, people affected by war and natural disasters and the aid agencies. We pray fir each and everyone, and for ourselves.
If possible, so far as it lies with you, live at peace with all.
Romans ch12: v4
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.
Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love.
John ch3: v13 & Romans ch8: v35-39
Christmas Prayers & Readings
![Nativity Scene](
O God of peace, you fill our hearts with hope at this Christmastide. We remember again that this is the world you love and to which Jesus came as a baby in Bethlehem. May that hope, peace and joy fill your hearts.
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head. The stars in the bright sky look down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.
There were shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night, and low, an angel of the Lord came upon them. The glory of the Lord came upon them. The glory of the Lord shone around them … read on to hear this exciting story. If you have no bible there are some in church … Or use the internet. (Luke 2:8)
![All Saints Church Crib close up](
God bless us always and in all ways.
Luke ch2: v8-15