
Prayer Prompts June 2024

Prayer Prompts June 2024

Let us lift our hearts and minds in prayer, thanks and wonder for God’s created world:

Creator God
In bright light and dull darkness
In the energy of each day and the rest that comes with night

We remember the goodness of God

In the heavens high above our heads
In waters that run deep around the world

We remember the goodness of God

In solid land and flowing seas
In vivid flowers and fruit laden-trees

We remember the goodness of God

In the rising and setting of the sun
and the cycles of the seasons
In the patterns of the shining stars

We remember the goodness of God

In oceans teeming with fish
In skies filled with birds

We remember the goodness of God

In a world filled with animal life
And in ourselves as human beings

We remember the goodness of God

And God looked and saw all that he had made,
and indeed it was very, very good.
In rest and reflection, in wonder and worship

We remember the goodness of God.  Amen

Read Psalm 104

Pray: Lord, make us people who recognise, nurture and act towards a more sustainable world for the benefit of all who draw life from this planet. Raise up campaigners who will speak out for wisdom, restraint and compassion. And teach us to partner you in protecting this precious world and the lives of our most vulnerable global neighbours. Amen

Sing ‘All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small’
God Creator of the Universe

God Creator
Of the Universe
Of the earth and sea
Of the earth’s fruits and flowers
Of all humans, habitats and creatures
Help us to value and care for your world
In all its beauty and fragility
In trust for you
Creator God.

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