Prayer Prompts for January 2021

Prayer Prompts for January 2021

Pray daily for this month’s charity, the Symbol Trust.

1st  Bless us Lord as we start this new year.

2nd  Saturday. We pray for all involved in team sports.

3rd  We pray that we may walk with You beside us to guide us.

4th  For commuters and train drivers.

5th  For all working from home.

6th  The Feast of the Epiphany. May we use the gifts You have given us, Lord.

7th  Pray for the person you see this morning in the mirror.

8th  For all going to bed after night duty.

9th  For our wildlife this winter in our gardens.

10th The Baptism of Christ. We pray for God’s blessing on us.

11th  For Winter flowering shrubs to brighten our days.

12th  For young people studying for exams.

13th  We remember our Quaker friends as they commemorate George Fox.

14th  For parents with new babies.

15th  For all working this weekend.

16th  For the Pay Back Team.

17th  For all who minister in our village churches.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Let us pray.

18th  For Carers.

19th  For all who live or work in our residential and nursing homes.

20th  For all who find the short days of Winter a challenge.

21st  For all facing challenges with their health.

22nd  For all who are starving and the aid agencies who work worldwide.

23rd  For the homeless and their needs.

24th  Help us to live each day quietly, and easily.

25th  To lean upon Your great strength trustfully, restfully.

26th  To wait for the unfolding of Your will patiently, serenely.

27th  To meet others peacefully, and joyfully.

28th  To face tomorrow confidently, courageously.

29th  Amen. (prayer of St. Francis of Assisi)

30th  For our family and friends.

31st  For everyone we will meet with or speak to today.

Prayer Prompts

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