Prayer Prompts for June 2023
All Saints Church has chosen the Children’s Air Ambulance to support from April 2023 to March 2024.
From April 2023 –March 2024 we are supporting The Children’s Air Ambulance. There is an article in the April magazine about the work they do.
Read more on the work of The Children’s Air Ambulance Charity
Prayers for Pentecost – the Coming of the Holy Spirit
‘And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting….all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit’ Acts 2: 2-4
‘The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control’ Galatians 5: 22-23
Lord, we pray for your Spirit to fill us, and for our lives to bear the fruit of your Spirit.
Let us pray for
Lord, may I look to your love as a guide to love others, even those who are not easy to love.
Even in tough times help me to rejoice in your goodness and your plan for my life.
Help me to remember that there is no reason to worry or be anxious. Your intentions for me are much greater than anything I could ever understand.
Lord help me to learn to wait for your timing and your plan instead of rushing forward with my own.
Lord help me to remember that one act of kindness in your name may not change the world, but it could change a life.
Help me Lord to be eagerly willing to serve others in love through the giving of my time, talents, and treasures and with no desire for reward.
May I focus on your will for my life and follow you even when you call me to things I may not understand.
May I be gentle in my interactions with others. Lord, may I show your strength through my meekness.
Lord help me to find the self-control to fight my temptations and remain steady on the path you have set before me.
May the fruits of Your Spirit be the inspiration and strength
for my spirit to bear fruit for You. Amen