November 2018 Magazine Letter

Dear Everyone,

November 2018 Magazine Letter Audrey Bullock


How far back does your memory go? Mine goes to about eighteen months old when I was sitting in my pram to watch a procession along our main road. I was talking about this some years ago and my mother was surprised, but remembered that we had gone to watch a member of the royal family on their way to unveil a statue of King Edward V11 at Tooting Broadway. I remember during part of the second world war that, for their safety, King Peter 2 of Yugoslavia, his mother the Dowager Queen Marie and her other sons, Prince Tomislav and Prince Anrej lived in my village…but the King, to protect the heirs, was not in the same house as the others. I have a book given to me by Queen Marie at Christmas.

This is in my living memory, and during our own lives, we can treasure memories of events and people who mean so much to us.

But what of all those who are beyond our minds, and whose own relatives have died and there is no one left to remember them?

This is where we come in.  

At this time of the year, we especially remember all who died in terrible circumstances in two world wars and many ensuing conflicts. They died fighting for a better world. Those who did not die in battle continued to fight in a different way when the wars were over. Their wounds mentally and physically were and are always with them.

We need to remember and give thanks to God for all these men and women who lost their lives, and those who lived but lost so much. Because of them, we live safely in this beautiful land.

Films appear to glorify battles. Handsome heroes and high drama make them seem exciting and, of course, no one actually dies. Young people may not have the same understanding of the horrors of really being at war. It is up to each generation to endeavour to teach peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our village, and in our world.

With God’s help, we will win through in our world today, as


God be with us always and in all ways,

Audrey B


 Queen Maria of Yugoslavia was known in England as Queen Marie

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