PCC Parochial Church Council

PCC Members

Revd Silke TetzlaffPCC Secretary
Worship Subcommittee Convenor
Deanery Synod
Ex-officioRev. Silke Tetzlaff01580 891258
Adam HoughtonChurchwardenEx-officio
Joanne EvansChurchwardenEx-officio
Simon EvansTreasurer
PCC Member
Petra AshdownPCC MemberElected
Margaret AshbyPCC MemberElected
Samantha HeasmanPCC MemberElected
Val WallisDiocesan Synod
Deanery Synod
PCC Member
Churchyard Liaison Subcommittee Convenor
Doreen BraganzaDiocesan Synod
Deanery Synod
PCC Member
Audrey BullockDeanery Synod
PCC Member
Ex-officio01580 891940
Lianne PriceElectoral Roll Officer

The PCC Parochial Church Council is divided into Sub-Committees that meet on a regular basis, about two to three weeks prior to PCC meetings which are held six times a year, bi-monthly.

Each Sub-committees consist of three PCC members, one of which is the Chairman (nominated by the PCC) plus two non-PCC members. Up to four additional non-voting members can be co-opted at any time for various purposes and periods of time.

Other Useful Contact Information

Electoral Roll Officer: Lianne Price
Flowers- Contact Church Office: 01580 891258
Bell Ringers Tower Secretary: Roy Barclay 01580 890247
Friends of All Saints Membership Secretary: Andrew Brady 01580 891840
Holy Dusters/Brass Cleaners: TBC

Revd Silke Tetzlaff Tel: 01580 891258.
Email: Rev. Silke Tetzlaff
For all enquiries about Baptism, Weddings and Funerals

The Rector is an ex-officio member of all sub-committees.

Sub Committees

Associated Committee Representatives


Committee MemberOfficeTelephoneEmail
Churchyard Liaison
Val WallisPCCn/an/a
Margaret AshbyPCCn/an/a
Parish Council Representatives
John Perry
Richard Ash
Ani Martin

Churches Together

Committee MemberOfficeTelephoneEmail
Jacqui VeitchNon PCCn/an/a

Wealden Deanery Synod

Committee MemberOfficeTelephoneEmail
Doreen BraganzaPCCn/an/a
Val WallisPCCn/an/a
Audrey BullockPCCn/an/a

Diocesan Synod

Committee MemberOfficeTelephoneEmail
Doreen BraganzaPCCn/an/a
Val WallisPCCn/an/a

PCC Representative to Friends

Committee MemberOfficeTelephoneEmail
Adam HoughtonPCC Liaison Rep to Friendsn/an/a

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