Staplehurst Bellringers Report December 2024

News from the Tower

On Tuesday 5th November we held our Tower AGM.  Steve Bassett was elected as Tower Captain for the coming year in place of Adam Brady who wished to stand down due to other commitments, and Daniel Brady replaces Steve as Assistant Tower Captain.  Steeplekeeper Chris Bassett, Treasurer Sallyann Barclay and Secretary Roy Barclay were all re-elected.  We thank them all for their work over the past year. The ringers also unanimously agreed to make a donation towards the additional work required to the turret.

At the time of writing there is no further update on the turret and spirelet, but as mentioned last month we are currently not allowing visiting bands of ringers whilst the work is ongoing. However Christmas brings a number of extra services that we will be ringing for. In addition to the normal Sunday morning services we plan to ring for the Nine Lessons and Carols on the evening of Sunday 22nd December, the Christingle Service and Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and the Christmas Morning Service. We will be enjoying our New Year’s Eve Party before ringing in 2025 in the traditional way.

Finally the Staplehurst Bellringers would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Roy Barclay
Tower Secretary

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