Prayer Prompts for February 2021
Prayer Prompts for February 2021
- A new month, a new page to write.
- Candlemas. For all those presented before God.
- For all grandmothers.
- For all affected by cancer.
- For those celebrating.
- For all grandfathers.
- For all children struggling in the lockdown.
- For all volunteers.
- Together for a better future.
- Thank you that I am free.
- For all healthcare workers ~ Thank you.
- Chinese New Year — for those celebrating around the world.
- For all who work in radio.
- St Valentine. For all relationships.
- Grant all school staff a restful half term.
- Shrove Tuesday — Thank you for all I can give up.
- The beginning of Lent — Lord grant me patience.
- For all celebrating a birthday this month.
- For all children in care or care leavers.
- For all creation that lives in the air.
- For all fighting for social justice and fair trade.
- For all in the Guiding and Scouting movements.
- For brothers and sisters.
- Make me a channel of your peace.
- For all Who support our elder generations.
- What do I have that I can share with others?
- In this year of peace, grant me rest.
- As another month nears its end, all the blessings we have been given.