Clergy Letter from May 2022 Parish Magazine

Sing a song of May-time 
Sing a song of Spring.
Flowers are in their beauty,
Birds are on the wing
May time, play time
God has given us Maytime,
Thank him for his gifts of love,
Sing a song of Spring.

Clergy Letter from May 2022 Parish Magazine

Do you remember singing this in your youth?

Throughout the ages, May has been a special month, and there are many traditions and superstitions associated with the start of this month.

In several villages girls carried around prettily dressed dolls on May Day, showing them in return for money or sweets. In other areas, the dolls were put in boxes, and carefully decorated with flowers picked from the hedgerow.

May is oflen a busy month. The days are getting longer, and the air is warming up, so it’s an ideal time to be out in the country or garden. We, at All Saints Church are doing just that, on our Eco day. Details were in last month’s magazine, but a reminder that it is a day full of activity and interest, from 10am — 4pm on Saturday l4th May. All are welcome to come and join in the enjoyment in the Church yard. On the weekend of the 28th, 29th and 30th May, we will welcome you into the Church for our ‘Arty Crafty Flower Festival’. There will be flowers, but also all sorts of crafts, photos, maybe carpentry, etc, all in our theme colours of red, white and blue in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. If you would like to contribute, please contact me on 01580 893597. Do come and see our varied displays and enjoy refreshments
which will be on hand all day from 12 noon to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday, and 10am to 5pm on Monday.

As we are preparing for this event, we are thanking God for his many gifts to us and our ability to give you an enjoyable visit to All Saints Church.

Wishing you God’s blessings,


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