July 2024 Magazine Letter

Dear Everyone,

No, I will not mention the event on July 4th. I am sure you have heard and seen enough without my two penn’orth, except to ask God’s blessing to guide the new government in their work for our country and it’s people.

I will mention Saint Swithen who was a Bishop at Winchester Cathedral. Due to him being buried in the Cathedral instead of outside as he had asked, we have weather to look out for. I do hope that all activities you plan for outdoors this month will be graced with fine weather.

Many young people will be leaving, or have already left school. The excitement of the future with job seeking, apprenticeships, university placements, globetrotting or holidays, or just quiet time to collect their thoughts, will be the next stage of their lives. We pray that God will guide them, their families and teachers to make the right decisions for their futures. What a wonderful but also anxious time with so many options.

With our gardens awash with flowers, vegetables and fruit, our orchards and fruit farms full of deliciousness, and our fields getting ready for harvest, we are so fortunate to live here. “All good gifts around us are sent from Heaven above. So thank the Lord, O thank the Lord for all His love.” We must also thank Him for everything else which is good in our lives. There is always something to be thankful for, even on the darkest days, or the darkest days of our lives.

May God bless us always and in all ways.


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