August 2020 Magazine Letter

August 2020 Magazine Letter Audrey Bullock

Dear Everyone,

Some time ago, at one of our quarterly charities, we supported Veteran’s Aid. We invited Mr Cardoza from the organisation to speak to us on the first Charity Sunday to launch this collection.

After the service, he told me he had arrived quite early and wandered around our churchyard to have a quiet time and collect his thoughts. He said of our churchyard tombs and memorial stones that some were upright and others, like people, were troubled and wonky and in need of TLC (which is short for tender, loving care).

There are always troubled and wonky people who, over the last few months have probably been more supported than would normally happen. Some have needed someone to talk to and others have needed more practical help. Fortunately, our village has a multitude of caring, thoughtful and helpful residents whose generosity with their time, talents and donations have been such a tower of strength.

Jesus told the story of The Good Samaritan. It was one of His parables, which are earthly stories with a heavenly meaning. Read about this in The Bible in St. Luke’s Gospel chapter 10 verses 29-37. There are always good Samaritans about. It has become a way to describe people who have all the attributes of so many of our villagers. Thank you to you all, and we thank God for you all.

Now, as we go back to our normal daily lives let us look up, let us look forward, let us look around us and greet each day as a new beginning for us to put our stamp on.

God be with you always and in all ways.


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