Staplehurst Bellringers Report November 2024

Staplehurst Bellringers Report November 2024

News from the Tower

Sunday 6th October was a joyful occasion, partly because it was Harvest Festival but particularly because we were able to ring Staplehurst bells once again. A platform has been installed below the spirelet to prevent debris falling down the stairway, thus allowing safe access to the tower. However this is just a short-term measure until the additional work required on the spirelet can be carried out, which cannot be done until the church can find the necessary additional funding.

We are therefore in a rapidly changing situation and ringing may have to be suspended again at short notice. Meanwhile ringing will be limited to just our practice night and Sunday services and no visiting bands will be allowed.

One event that will not be affected is our Tower AGM at which we will be electing our tower officers for the coming year. A report will appear in the December issue, along with (hopefully) an update on the turret situation.

Roy Barclay
Tower Secretary

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