Staplehurst Bellringers Report December 2020
The optimism of my report in last month’s issue was sadly ill-conceived. Even before that issue hit the streets the Government had announced another month of national lockdown, resulting in the cancellation of all Remembrance Sunday services together with parades and other public acts of remembrance. As I write this report coronavirus cases are still rising rapidly across the country and, barring miracles, we will not be ringing the church bells for Christmas nor, for the first time in at least a generation, will we be ringing in the New Year.
One of the major problems we have at the moment is trying to keep our band of ringers together at a time when they have not seen each other in person for eight months (other than passing in the street!) and this is the reason why most of us continue to meet weekly via zoom. To make the most of a rather muted festive season we are hoping to have a “virtual” Christmas meal together. Meanwhile, in anticipation that things might be back to normal sometime during the coming year, we held our AGM as usual on the first Tuesday in November. Obviously, we couldn’t meet in person so it was held by e-mail with all Tower Officers being re-elected for the coming year.
As there is now very little to report on the bellringing front, I will no longer be writing these reports every month unless there are any positive developments. Meanwhile, the Staplehurst bellringers send their best wishes to everyone for Christmas and hopes for the New Year.
Roy Barclay
Tower Secretary