Parish Magazine Committee

Committee MemberRoleStatusTelephoneEmail
Revd Silke TetzlaffEx. Officio01580 891258Rev. Silke Tetzlaff
Audrey BullockProof ReaderPCC Membern/an/a
Simon EvansCommittee MemberPCC Treasurer
PCC Member
Mary HenleyConvenor and DistributionNon PCCn/an/a
Jackie WallisParish Magazine Committee TreasurerNon PCCn/a
Lianne PriceCommittee Secretary & Subscriptions SecretaryNon PCCn/an/a
Alan PettCommittee MemberNon PCCn/an/a
Frank PageAdvertisingNon PCCn/an/a
Michele GoddenEditorNon PCC01580 892700Michele Godden

The PCC Parish Magazine Committee Purpose and Scope

The PCC Parish Magazine Sub-committee will be responsible to the PCC for:-

  • The compilation, production and distribution of the Parish Magazine.
  • Other matters, as referred to it by the PCC.
  • Recommending a cover price to the PCC & advertising rates.

pcc parish magazine committee december 2020 parish magazine cover
December 2020 Parish Magazine Cover


The All Saints’ Church Magazine Committee is delighted to announce that we can hold the cover price of the Staplehurst Parish Magazine for 2021, remaining at just £1.50 per issue. 

We believe that the Parish Magazine remains extraordinarily good value for £1.50.  However, you can make it even better value by paying an annual subscription of £14.00. To qualify for the reduced rate you must pay before the end of February; after that, you will have to pay the full price of £1.50 per issue.

Please pay by cheque if possible – it makes it easier and safer for all concerned.  Cheques should be made payable to “All Saints Staplehurst PCC” and handed to your distributor who will ensure the magazine treasurer receives it.

If you don’t currently have the Magazine delivered to your door each month you can arrange this by contacting Mary Henley on 01580 891225 or emailing Mary Henley

Thank you, and we look forward to your continued support.

The Magazine Committee

STAPLEHURST Pariah Magazine is far more than just a Church Magazine; it contains a lot of information about a wide range of organisations, activities, and events of general interest in the village. It also carries advertisements for many of the local tradesmen and businesses.

In a village appraisal, the Magazine was voted the best source of information available in the village, which is probably why around half the households in the village already subscribe.

For a complimentary copy of Staplehurst Parish Magazine, totally without obligation, contact Mary Henley at (01580) 891225 or email Mary Henley

We are confident that you will be impressed!

Mary Henley (Distribution)

The deadline date for entries to the magazine is the 10th of every month.

Copy to the Editor,

Michele Godden

Unit 3, Lodge Road, Staplehurst TN12 0QY


If you send your contributions via e-mail, include in your title the month the article is intended for PLUS the name of your organisation e.g. Charity Sunday for January 2019 Magazine.

Parish Magazine Covers Archive

2021 Covers

2020 Covers