Charities & Social Responsibility Sub Committee

Committee MemberOfficeTelephoneEmail
Silke TetzlaffEx. Officio01580 891258Rev. Silke Tetzlaff
Audrey BullockConvenern/an/a
Audrey BullockPCC Membern/an/a
Doreen BraganzaPCC Membern/an/a
Maureen BriceNon PCCn/an/a

Charities we are supporting in 2023

Purpose and Scope

The Charities & Social Responsibility Sub Committee will be responsible to the PCC for:-

  • Compiling a list of charities to be supported through the monthly Charity Sunday scheme and ensuring the necessary promotion is placed in the Parish Magazine and weekly notice sheet.
  • Development of links with other agencies for charitable relief.
  • Other matters, as referred to it by the PCC.
  • Arranging speakers for Charity Sundays.
  • Bring to the attention of the PCC matters of social responsibility on both a global and local scale.
  • The development of schemes (with other bodies and churches, as appropriate) that respond to identified needs.
  • To raise awareness of issues on a global or local scale (notifying of demonstrations concerning peace, justice and social responsibility matters).
  • Working closely with other bodies with common aims (such as the Partnership Framework).

Social Responsibility

We have a social responsibility within the community to react to the needs of the Parish.

We have been successful in areas such as Bereavement Counselling, assistance with travel to and from Church and enabling worshippers from Mote Lodge to be involved in our services to name just a few.

One area that has proved helpful within the village has been the Remembrance Stars at Christmas available in Church for people to write short messages. These stars are then hung on the Christmas tree and blessed. A book is available for people to write additional messages. A large number of people have found this very helpful, especially as Christmas is a time when we all remember and reflect on family members no longer with us.

We also provide Lilies in Memory at Easter and with the generosity of the congregation, gifts for Homeless Care at Easter, Harvest and Christmas.

If you have any ideas or thoughts that you would like considered please contact the committee.

Charity Sundays

Making it easier for you to give.

Some of you have commented that the organisation of Charity Sundays has not always allowed you to give to those charities that you wished.

You have asked for more notice of which charities are to be supported and more flexibility in the way that the system operates.

With the agreement of the PCC, we have developed the concept more into a “Charity of the Quarter ”.

In practice, this means that, as long as you clearly label your gift, we will accept contributions to the nominated charity in collections at any time during the 3 month period.

We hope that this development will help give you more flexibility in the organisation of your charitable giving.

We have a list of well-known Charities (not exhaustive but growing) including contact numbers and Web Site links, please take a look at the Charitable Organisations Links Page

Ever wondered where to look if you have a problem and don’t know where to turn, well, take a look at the Pastoral Care Links Page

Thank you.

Charitable Giving

Charity Sunday is the second Sunday of the month, except in November when it is the first Sunday.

  1. Please put any money you wish to give to CHARITY ON CHARITY SUNDAY in a BLUE envelope and write “FOR CHARITY” on the outside. You do not need to fill in all the details.

ORANGE ENVELOPES are used for REGULAR MONTHLY CHARITABLE GIVING. This is particularly helpful if you are a taxpayer, but anyone may use them as a reminder to donate to our charity. These may be put on the collection plate on any Sunday.

Tony Henley is able to supply you with these envelopes.

  1. Any LOOSE MONEY in the collection plate on Charity Sunday, and BLUE envelopes NOT marked “For Charity” will go to the church. White weekly offering envelopes continue as usual.


Audrey Bullock – Charity Convenor.

Charities for 2023

MonthCharity WebsiteChurch Page
Charity for April 2023 to March 2024 inclusive
The Children's Air AmbulanceThe Children's Air Ambulance
Remembrance Sunday 12th NovemberRoyal British Legion 10:45am Morning Service
Service of Remembrance. Date not yet available.Cruse
Christmas Eve 24th December - ChristingleThe Children's Society
Christmas CardsDemelza House
Easter, Harvest & ChristmasMaidstone Homeless Care

Charities for 2022

MonthCharity WebsiteChurch Page
9th January/13th February/13th MarchCentrepoint (speaker 9th January)
Charity for April 2022 to March 2023 inclusive
3rd April
8th May
12th June
10th July
14th August
11th September
9th October
6th November
11th December

8th January
12th February
12th March
Dandelion Time (speaker at the 10am Service 11th December 2022)Dandelion Time
Remembrance Sunday 13th NovemberRoyal British Legion 10:45am Morning Service
Service of Remembrance. Date not yet available.Cruse
Christmas Eve 24th December - ChristingleThe Children's Society
Christmas CardsDemelza House
Easter, Harvest & ChristmasMaidstone Homeless Care
8th January
12th February
12th March
Dandylion Time


The work of the Charity Committee is wide-ranging. We select Charities each year to receive the collection plate offerings over a 3-month period. The Charities are selected to give a balance between local, national and Worldwide causes, as well as secular and non-secular organisations.

We also react as necessary with special collections during times of crisis i.e. major disasters such as Floods or Earthquakes.

If you have a Charity that you actively support and would like us to consider, please contact the committee.

Thank you.