Pastoral Links

Ever wondered where to look if you have a problem and don’t know where to turn, well, here on our Pastoral Links page you may find what you are looking for!

Alcohol Abuse
AIDS Advice
Broken Families
Carers & Vulnerable Adults
Education Resources
Mental Health Resources
Motorbike Safety



Sideways Podcast about addiction, recovery, and friendship

Graham Landi & Martin Pankhurst

A podcast about addiction, recovery, and friendship.

Rehab 4 Addiction

Rehab 4 Addiction, a UK-based addiction helpline.

Rehab 4 Addiction was founded to assist those affected by substance misuse and their loved ones. They offer a range of services designed to help signpost you to the most effective treatments. This includes alcohol rehab, drug rehab, detox services, intervention, aftercare and outpatient counselling offered by a variety of third-party UK Private Addiction Rehab or NHS/Council-Funded providers. Their helpline advisors are committed to helping you in your quest to locate effective treatments for addiction. You pay nothing for the Rehab 4 Addiction service and free options are typically signposted if fee-paying treatment is not an option for you. If you choose private residential treatment, they may receive a commission from the provider, but the cost to you will not increase.

OK Rehab

OK Rehab specialises in addiction treatment. This treatment is available via both inpatient and outpatient treatment providers. We also work with clinics that are able to facilitate treatment taking place in your own home and are able to provide professional intervention and home detoxification.

At OK Rehab, our aim is to help individuals break free from the shackles of addiction and find a treatment that’s ideally suited to their needs. This treatment is applicable for drug addiction, alcoholism and process/behavioural addictions.

Many of the treatments we may recommend take place at residential rehab clinics. We have partnered with over 140 clinics of this nature across the UK and abroad. These clinics offer standalone detoxification services, or alternatively, you may combine detox with an extended rehabilitation.

UK Addiction Treatment Centres

UK Addiction Treatment Centres strive to serve as an educational resource by offering helpful articles, guides, and other educational material to encourage understanding and awareness of addiction, an epidemic that affects so many people.

Thank you to Jason, the Psychotherapist for suggesting this website.

Addiction Resource

Addiction Resource was founded in 2014 to provide a community for those recovering from addiction and to help patients find the highest quality care for a successful recovery. Their goal is to provide resources to help patients and their loved ones so that they may stay on the road to recovery, and can successfully overcome addiction for life.


The AlcoRehab team is a group of professionals who are passionate about helping those struggling with alcoholism. They are devoted to providing free support and resources for people who are fighting an alcohol addiction and their loved ones.

Alcohol Abuse

Rehab Recovery

Cassiobury Court

Offers a useful resource on the dangers of drinking alcohol for people suffering from HIV.

Institute of Alcohol Studies

This is a brilliant UK site.

National Crime Prevention Centre

This is a good site. Check out the “Other NCPC sites” which contain links to sections on children and teens.

The Site

This is an excellent site, especially for teens. There is an extensive list of organisations that can help with alcohol-related problems. There are also some very good articles on alcohol and alcohol abuse including:

What is alcohol?    Effects of short term use    Effects of long term use    Drinking and driving    Legal Status

67-69 Cowcross Street
London EC1M 6PU

Tel: 020 7251 5860
Fax: 020 7251 5890

Helping individuals and communities manage the effects of drug and alcohol misuse.

Aids Advice

National Aids Trust

The National Aids Trust is the UK’s leading independent policy and campaigning voice on HIV and Aids.

African Health Policy Network

AHPN is an alliance of African community-based organisations and their supporters working for fair policies for people living with HIV and Aids in the UK.


Crusaid is a leading UK charity dedicated to helping poor and marginalised people affected by HIV and aids.

Elton John Aids Foundation

Elton John Aids Foundation (EFAF) is an international non-profit organisation funding direct patient care services and HIV prevention education.

George House Trust

George House Trust provides voluntary support services for people with HIV in the northwest, together with support to carers, partners and children directly affected by HIV.

NAM aidsmap

NAM provides accurate HIV information to HIV positive people and to professionals that treat, support and care for them.

Positively UK

There are over 60,000 people living with HIV in the UK. HIV does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race or sexuality. But society does. Positively the UK believes in human rights, equality and justice and actively seeks to serve the community it represents.

Stop Aids Campaign

The stop aids campaign brings together more than 80 of the UK’s leading development and HIV and aids groups.

The Terrence Higgins Trust

THT is the leading HIV and sexual health charity in the UK and the largest in Europe.

Waverley Care

Waverley care supports people in Scotland living with HIV, their carers and families.


Babysitting Guidelines from ROSPA

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

Broken Families


Gingerbread is the support agency for single parents and children. This site lists other agencies including gingerbread offices in other parts of the UK. Advice Line is open 25 hours a week from 11.00 am to 4.00 p.m.

Tel: Gingerbread on 0171 3368184

Gingerbread runs the only national advice line for lone parents that offers advice based on the individual’s needs and circumstances. They can give advice on a range of issues including; Child maintenance, benefits & housing.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Good UK Site but mainly for parents. Major study – reviews the experiences of children whose parents divorce.


Did you know that all these famous people were bullied at school?

Prince Charles, Sir Cliff Richard, Phil Collins, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Michelle Pfeiffer, Dudley Moore, Frank Bruno, Janice Long, Amanda Ross and lots lots more!

If you are being bullied at school – don’t suffer alone! There are people and organisations out there to help you and good advice is available through these websites:

Cerebral Palsy Guidance on Bullying

Studies concerning childhood bullying suggest that children with disabilities are often the target of harassment, typically during school. Although this is an unfortunate event that happens to many children, it doesn’t make it right and contrary to some people’s beliefs, it’s not “a normal part of growing up.” There are a number of ways parents, teachers, and caregivers can help combat bullying, which is especially important for kids with cerebral palsy, who may not be able to properly defend themselves.

Sleek Wristbands Bullying Awareness

Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs online rather than in person. Cyberbullying can include such things as harassing, teasing, or threatening emails and social media posts, and posting pictures of someone online. Cyberbullying is exacerbated by the fact that, because it takes place online and not in person, it can happen at all hours of the night and day.

The Bullying Business

Bullying has always been about singling people out and excluding them for their differences. Bullying used to be about popularity, economic status, wearing the wrong clothes, etc. However, we are now in an age of social media, where bullying doesn’t stop when kids leave the classroom. In a society that encourages young people to be whatever they want, and to be free to express who they are – culturally, sexually, philosophically, artistically – bullying is more pervasive (and invasive) than ever.

The link to this website was added following a suggestion from Denise at The Brenham Community Center in Texas whilst working with children on a bullying project. Thanks, Denise.

Bullying at School and On-line.

Browse the selection of peer-reviewed research articles about bullying.

How To Stop Bullying Blog

SAFE International is Canada’s leader in personal protection instruction. The mission of this blog is to inform and educate both youth and adults on “How To Stop Bullying” in both the schoolyard and workplace environment.

The link to this website was added following a suggestion from Elaina, an Idaho student researching bullying – Thanks, Elaina.


Beatbullying aims to reduce and prevent the incidence and impact of bullying, (physical, emotional, verbal, genderised, racist, inter-faith, homophobic) between young people.

Bully Busters

Bully Busters’ is an Anti-Bullying Helpline that was launched to provide support for victims of bullying and their families.

Bullying UK

Bullying UK is the UK’s leading anti-bullying charity and the top destination for parents, children and schools.

The website provides support for over half a million people each year including families, individuals, schools and youth organisations.


Kidscape is committed to keeping children safe from abuse. Kidscape is the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and child sexual abuse. Kidscape believes that protecting children from harm is key.

Kidscape works UK-wide to provide individuals and organisations with the practical skills and resources necessary to keep children safe from harm. The Kidscape staff equips vulnerable children with practical non-threatening knowledge and skills on how to keep themselves safe and reduce the likelihood of future harm.

Kidscape works with children and young people under the age of 16, their parents/carers, and those who work with them.

Bully Online Workplace Bullies

Bully OnLine, the website of the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line and the world’s leading source of bullying help with extensive resources on workplace bullying and related issues.

Red Balloon Learner Centre

The Red Balloon Learner Centre was set up in a private home in Cambridge in 1996. The vision is to provide an ‘intensive care’ programme of full-time education in a safe learning environment for children unable to go to school because they have been severely bullied.

NCH – Action for children campaigns for wider access to information and communication technology for children from less advantaged backgrounds. They also recognise that the internet enables those who would harm children to have wider and more direct access to them. Therefore they strongly promote online safety for all children.

Bullying by the Numbers: A Breakdown of Bullying Statistics and Facts

Useful Telephone Numbers.
NSPCC freephone 0800 800 500
ChildLine (confidential and free for children) 0800 1111
Parentline 01268 757 077
Youth Access 01509 210420
Children’s Legal Centre (weekdays 2.00 p.m. -5.00 p.m.) 01206 873820

Carers and Vulnerable Adults

Just to remind you, on the right-hand side of the church (by the charity notice board) is a basket containing useful information. Please take any you may find helpful.

There are identification forms to be filled in, should a confused person go missing. The Police and Kent Search and Rescue find these forms very helpful at what is a stressful time for relatives and carers.

There are leaflets for those people who feel anxious or vulnerable or suffering physical or mental abuse, with telephone numbers for people or organisations who can help you. Please do look at them and use them.

Mary Henley

Mary Henley

Parish Safeguarding Officer
01580 891225
Email: Mary Henley


Avert – Aids Education and Research Trust

This site focuses on education to prevent infection with HIV. It includes the latest news and information ON AIDS AND HIV. It covers risks associated with injecting drugs and gives details of syringe and needle exchange schemes and of ways of reducing the risk of contracting HIV and AIDS.

It has a special section for young people.

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Excellent site.

Drug Rehab

A useful resource, especially this link regarding bullying and substance abuse Drug Rehab Bullying

Useful Telephone Numbers.

“Health Wise” Helpline 0800 665544
National Drugs Helpline 0800 776600
Drugs in School Helpline 0345 366666
Youth Talk (Counselling for 11-18’s) 01204 575341

Education Resources

Consumer Safety Guide

Consumer Safety Guide was created to keep the public informed about consumer dangers and safety issues associated with numerous products that can cause public harm. The website is constantly being updated with the most recent information on the most popular prescription medications and FDA-approved medical devices that could be endangering your health or putting your loved ones at risk. Its mission is to keep you informed and help you make the most educated decisions about your health care!

Financial Literacy Resources

A useful guide to help understand your finances. Aimed at children, but useful for anyone.

The link to this website was added following an email from Denise after her daughter found the site – Thanks, Denise and Jess.

This site has plans for students of all ages. Not only will their own writing and communication skills improve, but they will also gain a better understanding of messages conveyed in literature and even broadcasting.

Discovery Education’s US History Lesson Plans
Many educators’ go-to source for educational documentaries also offers free lesson plans to the public.

22 Dog-Themed Lesson Plans for Teachers
No matter how old children get, few of them are unimpressed by man’s best friend. The lesson plans featured in this article cover grades K-12.

Art Lesson Plans and Activities
Arts and crafts projects are a fun way for children to flex their creative muscles, but can also be useful for the integration of other educational concepts.

Mental Health Resources

Recall Report Mental Health Issues

Mental health is a complex mix of emotional, psychological, and social factors. To have good mental health is to experience well-being in all of these areas. This area of health is often overlooked and considered less important than physical health, but it affects all areas of a person’s life from coping with challenges to relationships and even physical health.

A site with a lot of resources and health advice is worth a look. See also the general health page

Motorbike Safety

Global Road Safety Guide

This website is from the American CDC – well worth a look just bear in mind that US law and British law may differ slightly but that bike safety is important the world over.

A Guide To Motorcycle Safety

There are currently between 1.1 and 1.2 million active motorcycle riders in the UK, accounting for approximately 2.6% of the road population. This ever-increasing biker community has led to greater attention being placed on motorcycling safety measures and equipment.

This website is a UK based vehicle dealership blog listing the 4 Key Principles of Motorcycle Safety.

The links to these two websites were added following an email from Stephanie, who in conjunction with her daughter was investigating the success of road safety campaigns in the UK and the US over the last 10 years – Thanks, Stephanie.


WizCase – Raising Religious Children in an Online World

“Teach a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

It’s a fast-paced world, and our children are increasingly connected to the Internet.  They cling to it. They rely on it. They log on through a host of different smart devices, computers, wearable technology and all sorts of video games.

The problem is – that we don’t always know what they are watching and doing online.

Motivating Kids to be Active

How to Create an Autism-Friendly Environment for Kids

Mental Illness in Children: Signs, Types, & Causes

Coping with a Child’s Illness While You’re in Recovery: Learn Coping Methods While Going Through This Difficult Time

Parent Soup

Family Counselling.

The Whole Family Centre

This is an absolutely brilliant site!!! for all sorts of family issues.

Cerebral Palsy Guidance

This site provides vital guidance and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy.


Ash (Action on Smoking and Health)

This site has lots of sections, all of which deal with prevention and cure. It’s well worth a visit.

It doesn’t pull any punches so beware!

The American Cancer Society Web Site

American Cancer Society, which also works to improve people’s health and well-being.

Thanks to Jennifer Chase for this link – a very informative website.

No To Tobacco WebSite

Anti-Smoking Teen Web Site.

The American Cancer Society Web Site

Quitting cigarettes and other forms of tobacco use brings immediate benefits in terms of blood circulation and long-term benefits in terms of gaining a healthier body. Although quitting is not always easy, it is well worth it, as those who cease their smoking gain many health benefits, save money that would have been spent on cigarettes, and will likely enjoy many more years with friends and family. This guide is designed to help any interested smoker quit their habit successfully. Follow these links, which represent some of the best online help for those who want to quit smoking and to live a smoke-free life.

Thanks to Kara Lewis, a middle school teacher for this link – a very informative web site.


Teenage Cancer Trust

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